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 Trenton Rhodes Music - Works
Solos and Ensembles
  Echoes of Loss

Title: Echoes of Loss
Instrumentation: Horn Quartet
Grade Level: 3 (Medium)
Year Published: 2024
Price: $

Back in my sophomore year of high school, I wrote a very large wind ensemble work entitled Grieving. This work was a musical description of the five stages of grief, and was a large milestone in my compositional growth. In 2023, Genevieve Rucker, a hornist at the University of Central Arkansas, asked me to write a piece for horn quartet that is designed to be inspired from grief in some way, and this is the result. I took inspiration from my earlier composition but I certainly did not go to the extreme with musical expression like I did before. This piece offers a lot of chromatic harmonies, lots of emotional complexity, but it also offers resolution, a sense of completion in some way. Acceptance - not happiness, but acceptance.

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